Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinaha
Sarve Santu Niramayah
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu
Ma Kascit Duhkhabhag Bhavet
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih
may all beings be happy - may all beings be free form disease - may all be auspicious - may none be subjected to misery
and welcome to my website!
I am very happy you found your way here and I
hope you will enjoy yourself,
browse, search and find what you are looking for.
I am sure you will find many answers here,
suggestions, tips and information.
Since my diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis in March
2013 it´s been a dream of mine to reach as many
people as possible, patients as well as relatives, with
my story of hope, goal setting, implementation
and, ultimately, success. It´s been a good three years
from the first relapse to full recovery.
Considering the fact that MS is still considered as a
chronic disease by conventional medicine, this is
quite an achievement.
You can find my story on this website and I tell you
everything i have tried, experienced, learned and
implemented in the last years concerning illness and
This includes my recent discovery of Genetic Healing,
a wonderful, brand new method of treatment which
gives us unimaginable possibilities of how we can
improve our lives. I had the chance to train as a Genetic Healing Coach in August and I would be happy if I can help you with it. You can find more information about Genetic Healing on the following pages.
I am also very happy to receive suggestions from you, so please feel free to contact me using the message box on the info page or sign up using the log in on the blog page. There you can also write comments, share information, have discussions and find like-minded people. If you need help, you can also use the message box on the info page to reach me!
Much light and hope